Recently my family and I went to the Rock and Roll Craft show at 3rd degree Glass. 3rd Degree is an amazing blown glass facility that is in St. Louis. If you live near, you should check out their site and go to a Third Friday Event! They are so much fun with live music and glass blowing demos. They also have glass pieces for sale!
Well at the Rock n Roll Craft show we saw these amazing scarfs for sale. I'm all for supporting local artists, but I really wanted to try this out on my own, so I googled "t-shirt scarf diy" projects and found it on pintrest. They had a great link to a diy page for the scarf. It is so easy. Check it out here!!!
I am probably going to make this at my sisters pintrest party Feb 4th! I cannot wait. I'll share my scarfs when they are made! But here is one to tide you over!