I know its been forever, but I'm back (to let you know I can really shake it down!)
I've found some good inspiration lately with owl art. Owls are so awesome and totally remind me of my grandma's house b/c she collected them. she had all the nick-knacks, i've been in love ever since. Here are some this I've found online:

love these fabric wall hangings. there are endless possibilities!

doe on the back of a scrabble letter.

linoleum printing. do it one time and make multiple prints on paper, fabric, and anything else. then you can add embellishment on top of that.

love this necklace. don't you hate it when you grab the small image instead of enlarging it first!

tiny felt owls

how cute are these fabric broaches. i think they could be painted on wood too! one way to avoid cutting out those tiny pieces.

anyone out there who wants to teach me to make jewelry like this, i'm in!

all types of owls

love the idea of incorporating a page for a book into it. wouldn't this be great in an art journal?

i love this ring.