I am sure like most of you out there, every time you see a cute tote bag, you buy it. I have so many totes, i don't know what to do with them all, but i can't help it. I am all for helping the environment. I take them to the grocery store every time I go, and shoot people loading up on plastic bags dirty looks. It's what I do, I can't help it. Now I am not the greatest "environmentalist" out there, don't get me wrong, but I do try. Here are some really fetch (mean girls anyone?) totes I've found while browsing around on google, etsy, and blogger...
Here are some fantastic hand sewn totes from etsy. This girls has a pluthera of crafty goods in her shop. I love people thinking outside the box. These finds are simply a must have for every eco-chick...pick one up here in her etsy shop!!!

Love these adorable bags. Very modern and sleek looking. I'm in love with the first one.

These are great and send just the right message:

- Chocolate Brown MinusBag, $16. Holds as much as two plastic bags.
- Beleaf Bag, $36. Made from organic cotton.
- Saving the Planet Shopper, $13. Tells it like it is.
- CC Skye Green Luxe High Eco Tote, $250. For the fashionistas.
- Natural Envirosax Hemp Bag, $22. Three times stronger than a cotton bag.
I've seen on a bunch of other people's blogs lately some inspring music, so here is some of mine. Play these while you are painting , sewing, or whatever you do to create. Use this music to move your soul!!! Enjoy!!
Adele - Right As Rain
Next up is Priscilla Ahn - Dream
The Duke Spirit - The Step the Walk
My all time favorite Jack Johnson - Better Together
Love 'em all! Better Together is one of my fave songs! I just listened to each one while sitting at my desk and embroidering a little typewriter. Sweet. :)